Detection is Critical: Creating a Guidance-Led ELISA in St. Louis

December 9, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
BJCIH, 11th Floor, A/B Conference Room, 425 South Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110

This seminar highlights a collaboration between MilliporeSigma and the Core Laboratory for Clinical Studies at Washington University.

Sponsored by Diane Bender & Jennifer Carson-Powers

How EMA/FDA guidelines can inspire improved immunoassays.

In 2019 new guidelines were published detailing validation principles when using biological samples.

Led by this thinking we started to develop assays that would aid this effort. We developed new reagents and Quality practices and sent the assays to the CLCS to test. During this seminar we will show the results!

Topics Covered;

  • Sample testing guidance developments
  • Commercial assay development & QC
  • Sample/Assay testing at the CLCS

Registration is required. 
Seating is limited. 

Register Here

Lawrence Rentoul, MSc
Portfolio Lead
ELISA & Specialty Assays